The name "SOROPTIMIST" was created by combining the Latin words "sorores optimae" - translated as "best sisters". Members understand this as a challenge to the personal efforts of continuous improvement of their professional skills and knowledge, as well as commitment in the context of interpersonal relations.
Soroptimist International is a worldwide, non-profit, nonpolitical, non-governmental organization of women, whose main goal is to assist and enhance the level of women in the professional and private life, to realize and promote peaceful, humanitarian and charity projects around the world. Soroptimist International has has a very high credit worldwide and has participation also in UNESCO.
The first Soroptimist Club was founded in 1921 in Oakland, California, USA. In Europe, it was founded in 1924.
The International Soroptimist Club Prague is a part of the Soroptimist International - the world's largest organization of women of different professions. Currently it has 112 000 members in more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries of the world. The Soroptimist International has its representative organisations: UN, EU, Council of Europe, OSCE, EWL, WHO.
SI EUROPE Annual Report 2023
Considering that we are part of a large Soroptimist community, we would like to publish here the annual report of President Carolien Demey from the second year of her term of office 01.01 - 31.12.2023, where she informs about the activities, projects and achievements of the European Union, including the so-called Single clubs to which belongs our Soroptimist club Prague.
• You can find the report at, then touch Annual Report 2023.
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